Section Two: Professional Shorthand
'I have never forgotten the fascination of that old pursuit. [...] The pleasure that I used to feel in the rapidity and dexterity of its exercise has never faded from my breast.'[1]
The 'pursuit' that Dickens is recalling with such appreciation is his work as a young shorthand reporter in the early 1830s. It was indeed a truly formative period. During this time, Dickens not only honed his shorthand and writing skills, but also tuned into political and cultural debates about some of the most important issues of his day.
His shorthand reporting career came in three overlapping phases: his time as a court reporter between 1829 and 1831 was a stepping stone to the professional sphere of parliamentary reporting from 1832 and a variety of newspaper reporting roles from 1833. In this section, we look at each of these phases in turn.
[1] Charles Dickens, ‘Speech to the Newspaper Press Fund, 20 May 1865’ in The Speeches of Charles Dickens, edited by K. J. Fielding (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1960), 347.